Monday, 30 May 2016

First Holy Communion

On Sunday, Vaisiliva and Teleisia were welcomed as members of the Immaculate Conception Catholic community at Pakipaki on the occasion of their receiving their First Holy Communion.

Liva and Sia at their First Holy Communion with Fr. Nathaniel, Herman and Hera from the Immaculate Conception Church in Pakipaki. It was a beautiful celebration and they looked so proud. 

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Heroes Inquiry

Part of a mini Inquiry Room 1 has done while working with Mr Stoyanoff our Candidate teacher, was about a person we considered to be a hero.

We chose Mr Grant Hastings, our Sport Skills coach. Grant visited us today to talk about what he does as a sports coach.

He shared many motivational ideas that will inspire us to be the best we can. These included:

  •  Everyone find something they are passionate about and keep doing it.
  •   Be the best you can be and stick to it. 
  • The only person you have to trust is the person you see in the mirror. 
  • How can you expect others to be the best they can be if you are not the best you can be.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

'Unlocking Curious Minds' Science & Technology Camp

This week, a group of students had the opportunity to participate in a Science & Technology Camp in Napier.

On Day 0ne, the two lessons were Vex Robotics, where they got use a computer to programme a robot to carry out simple tasks.

The afternoon session was on Yeast Fermentation. The group measured the Brix (sugar level) of grape juice and a sucrose solution before adding yeast. These mixes were then placed in cold and hot water containers and the changes graphed.