Monday, 4 July 2016

Art Exhibition

Today, the school's Visual Arts Exhibition opens. Our art works are on display in the foyer of the old junior block.
They look amazing and we hope lots of our family and whanau will come in and view.
(Take a sneak preview!)


  1. I loved putting all this together so much. I enjoyed creating the art and taking the time to do it and putting effort in and towards the work. The turn out of this project was great and it looks fabulous.

    Well done seniors, keep up the FABULOUS work.

  2. great artwork, a lot of talent and hard work on show.

  3. Great work seniors well done on all of your work

  4. It was really fun putting the art together. There are lots of different types of art, From Hei Tiki to Andy Warhol. Some classes made paper mache balloons that hang from the ceilings. There are artist inquiry's on people like Ben Foster and Michelangelo.

  5. Lots of great art guys love it it is looking really good.
    I liked the church it was the best .

  6. Obviously a lot of time and effort has been put into this remarkable work. Well done Seniors. Really impressive. (Mum)

  7. Great work seniors, I enjoyed doing art and it took time for us to settle down into our work and I think our art work looks amazing in the art exhibition.

  8. That looks like a lot of fun. That has given the junior block a new purpose, and it looks great.


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